Stanislava Dimitrova (Prototype 23)
Stanislava Dimitrova holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Fashion from the New Bulgarian University, Sofia. She is currently working as a freelance designer and for her own brand Prototype 23.
In 2021, she won the BigSEE Fashion Design Award 2021 in the “Wearable art / Timeless”category.
The Prototype 23 brand is characterized by an easy-to-wear urban style, feminine, but youthful, and sometimes with some athleisure details. It’s a style that balances between wearable and, at the same time, remarkable contemporary design. Each garment has one prototype and it is made to order. In general, the brand is for limited edition pieces, avoiding the accumulation of quantities and excessive stocks of fabrics that may become redundant. Bringing the freedom of independent fashion, the goal of the brand is to create collections and items without a deadline, which will be relevant both today and in a few years.